36 lives tragically lost during the 12 days of Christmas in 2022 on our roads. 36 loved and cherished family members who won’t be sitting at the family Christmas lunch this year . We had the opportunity to share Harry’s story as we continue with our mission to help save lives on and off the road. We are on track to implement Harry’s Law with the QLD Governments support. This will ensure red ‘P’ platers will not be able to drive on the beach unless they have completed both practical and online training directly related to driving on our beaches. It’s not about banning ‘P’ platers on our beaches, it’s about providing education to ensure they have the skills to handle the conditions.
Harry’s death was preventable, the driver had only had his red ‘P’ licence for six weeks when he chose to drive recklessly on the beach and take Harry from us.
This is real change that will save lives on and off our roads.